Sweet Dreams

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I have not slept well, or much at all, for the last 3 nights.  It's definitely starting to catch up with me.  I've been averaging about 4.5 hours of sleep a night.  That is not nearly enough for my thirty year old self.

Last night was pretty awful.  I laid awake for hours.  Then when I finally fell asleep I started having terrible nightmares.  I'd wake up from a nightmare, fall back asleep, then have another nightmare.  This went on until 7am when I finally got up.  In each nightmare I was being attacked/killed in some horrible manor.  In at least one The Boyfriend was attacked with me.  The only one I remember now is being attacked by a vicious chipmunk.  Yes, a chipmunk.  A chipmunk with large, sharp teeth.  A chipmunk that was more like a raccoon in size.

I intend to head to bed in the next thirty minutes.  Who do I need to speak with about getting 8 solid hours of deep, restful, uninterrupted sleep?

Also,  I did not win anything from the NaBloPoMo Challenge.  I faithfully posted every single day but did not win one of the 40 prizes.  Boo.


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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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This page contains a single entry by Erin published on December 3, 2008 9:25 PM.

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