A Little Contest

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I thought I'd attempt to make things a little more fun and a little more interactive around these here parts.  This post is inspired in part by Kathy over at The Junk Drawer | Humor for the Masses and her "What's That" contests. 

For the first person to correctly guess the vegetable in the picture below, I will put up a 125x125 ad for their site on my blog for 30 days.  It will go just below the block of 4 125x125 amazon ads.  I hope this is fun and neither too easy nor too difficult.  I had one picture that would be hard and one that would be easy... I ended up going with the easy one.

This picture was taken as it was just coming up in mid-April of last year.  When the ugly red bulbs started popping up from the earth, I honestly had no idea what it might be.  It was something I had never had before and was pleasantly surprised!

Ok, start guessing and good luck!

click the image for a larger view


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OMG. Do I have to show my ignorance by guessing at this thing? OK, I'll bite. Yams? Do yams grow that way?

Kathy! Thanks so much for taking a stab at this! Just for that fact, I'd like to add that 30 day ad spot to my blog for you.

The answer isn't yams, but I honestly have no idea how yams grow. For all I know you could be very, very close!

I will post another pic shortly where the plant has matured a bit more. If you'd like to take another guess after that, feel free!

I'd love to try my hand at these contests again. I'm always holding something like it on my blog, but it's nice to be on the other side of the equation.

Thank you so much for the offer of running my spot. I'll email you shortly.

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

You can read more about the author behind thirty-something blog on the About Me page.





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This page contains a single entry by Erin published on April 2, 2009 2:32 AM.

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