Squirrels in the garden

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Some cute squirrel pictures, and some tips for keeping them out of your garden.

Squirrel Pictures

I took the picture below at my parent's lake-house.  There are a lot of squirrels there and they drive my parents crazy.  They are always digging holes in flower beds and a lot of times digging up the flowers themselves.  I have a lot of squirrels at my house too, but for some reason haven't really had a problem with them in terms of my garden (knock on wood).  Although, I do believe there a couple of large holes in the ground courtesy of these small visitors.


I thought it was kind of cute how he/she had the two peanuts lined up like that in his/her mouth.

Yesterday I saw something even cuter. A squirrel with a peanut kabob!  I came across it on Apartment Therapy.  The article that the picture was posted in is, Squirrel and Neighbor Dilemma.


Squirrel Repellents

I found a few ideas online of how to keep squirrels from ruining your garden.

  1. Add a squirrel feeder to one corner of your yard. -- I suppose this will keep them from eating your vegetables and digging up flowers but I'd be afraid it would attract even more squirrels.
  2. Cayanne pepper. Sprinkle it on plants, bulbs or other areas you are trying to keep the squirrels away from. -- I'm not sure how often you'd have to do this, but it sounds like you'd have to keep doing it too frequently to be worthwhile.
  3. Commercial squirrel repellents. -- I am not sure how affective these are, but my guess is they may not be worth the money.

Unfortunately I'm not sure there's really much you can do if you've got a problem with squirrels in your garden. Please leave a comment if you've had a problem and successfully dealt with it! I'd love to know.


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OMG, how neat is that kabob?! Of course, I wouldn't be doing anything like that to attract squirrels. I can't keep them away from our bird feeder. I'd like to sprinkle something like cayenne pepper, but we still want to attract the birds. Stupid squirrels!

I found your site from the 31DBB class and really enjoyed it. Visit Tricia's Dish beginning May 1 and enter to win a new giveaway every Friday.

Kathy, i think i may try this just once this weekend to see what happens. It is too cute. I hope it will be ok as long as i dont make a habit of it!

Hi, Tricia. Thank you for stopping by. I love when people leave comments and include how they came across my blog. :) I will check out your giveaways. Sounds fun!

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Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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