Taken Too Soon

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My heart feels a little heavy right now.

My dad called me yesterday afternoon.  He asked how I was doing and I asked him the same.  And then he said, "I'm calling because we have some bad news."

My younger sister's best friend in high school passed away suddenly on Tuesday night.  My sister and her friend Sarah had fallen out of touch a bit in recent years but were very close in high school.  She was 28, recently engaged, and had her entire adult life ahead of her.  It was tragically cut short and I am still trying to process and make sense of her passing.

The first thing I did after getting off the phone with my dad was embrace my boyfriend.  He just put his arms around me, squeezed tight, and pretty much engulfed me in his embrace as if to protect me from the sadness.  In that moment, I just felt so thankful to have him.

I don't like to think about how short life can be.  How tomorrow is not a guarantee.  But it does remind you to make the most of each day.  It reminds you to do the things that make you happy and to spend time with those you love.  It reminds you to take a step back from all the worry and stress and to not sweat the small stuff so much.  It reminds you to be a little bit more appreciative of the positive things you have in your life.  It reminds you to not take anything for granted.

My thoughts go out to Sarah's friends, including my little sister, and especially her family.       


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I am so sorry for your loss.
I completely understand what you mean. Every day is precious.

Hi hun, I've been away a little while and I'm so sorry to come back and read this. I've recently experienced a loss myself and was hoping that no one else would really have to go through anything similar ever again (yes, I know how extremely unrealistic that was but one has to try). Big hugs to all of you and to Sarah's family.

Thank you, Danielle and Reggy. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

Reggy, I am very sorry you have recently had to experience this as well :(

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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