10 Years

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As of yesterday, I have been at my current place of employment for 10 years.  I am not sure why this is significant to me, but it kind of is.  This is the first (and only) "real" job I have ever had.  To me it's almost as though I've grown up at this company.  It's a small company, and I believe I was something like employee number 52 when I was hired.  The company had only been around for 4 years at the time I was hired.  Many of the people I work with I consider close friends.  We frequently hang out outside of work -- going out to dinner or meeting for a movie, etc.  I've attended several co-worker's weddings and was even a part of the wedding party for one co-worker friend.

I believe I got incredibly lucky in many ways.  At the end of January of my last semester at college I had my second interview and within hours had a job offer.  I believe I actually had an email with an offer waiting for me by the time I was done with the 40 minute trip back home from the interview.  I completed my last semester already knowing where I was going to go after I graduated, which was a huge relief.  I feel luckly that the people interviewing me saw through my poor interviewing skills to my engineering skills and good work ethic.  I am fortunate that the culture/work environment was such a good fit for me.  The company I work for now is the only place I interviewed.  I received an acceptable offer for a position in my chosen field that was exactly what I wanted to do, and that was that.

I graduated college on May 20th, 2000 and started work a little over two weeks later on June 5th.  I was barely legal to drink when I first walked through the doors for my first day of work.  I had been 21 for about 8 months.  Still a child, really.  When I look back, both personally and professionally, I feel like I've come such a long way.   Back in that first summer I was naive, a little scared, and very ready to work.  I was very timid and was insecure in my work.  I have since been promoted to "Senior Engineer".  I conduct interviews, train new employees, and am included on many crucial company initiatives.  I have a great deal more confidence, both in myself as a person as well as in my workplace abilities.  I respectfully speak my opinion rather than just assume that the ideas/thoughts of others are better or more important.

Reflecting like this kind of makes me think... where will my career take me in the next 10 years?  Will I still be working at the same company?  Will I even be working at all or will I be staying at home with kids?


What has your job/work experience been like? Are you doing what you expected when you finished school?  Have you changed careers or gone back to school for something else?




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Wow, you are incredibly lucky. I suppose I lucked out with my first "real" job, even tho it only lasted about 5 years (the company relocated to NJ). I hadn't interviewed or looked around much before getting that job. And it gave me the experience to carry on as a freelance editor.

Congrats on 10 years!

Thanks, JD. :) The time has really flown by and I can't believe it's been that long already.

I'm glad you had a really good first job experience, too. Lots of people aren't as lucky as we are.

My current job has been my first "adult life" job. I hadn't finished my engineering degree when I started working. I felt a grown up, but as a worker I was such a newborn!! I did not feel like a professional. After 7 months at an entry level position I was given the chance to get a better one (still entry level, but a whole lot better) and there I got infinitely lucky to get the greatest boss ever. Without all of his mentoring, coaching, and ecouragement, I would not have achieved the smallest bit of what I have. I feel proud of myself, and thankful to him in even proportions.

That is awesome, MSQ. A wonderful boss/mentor in your first job can make all the difference. Congratulations on all of your success!


I just happened to stumbled upon your blog. I am newly 32, which, is my "I'm turning 32" and spend the night in with a fridge full of wine birthday, but so far I haven't been able to find the time. I am from Canada and have 3 jobs. One that I have been at for about 5 yrs, another one for 2 yrs and my "career one for 8. I am an Educational Assistant and I am moving schools in the fall. I had planned on staying at the school that I was at for 10 yrs, and then moving on. There was a nasty rumor going around that we would be loosing EA's, so I volunteered to move schools. I am moving back to the school that I went to when I was young, and could not have done it without the support of my Principal. It was her first yr at my old school, and I kind of wish that I had stayed there longer so that I could work with her longer. Luckily, my best friend is still at the school. It will be a different change, as before I was at an inner city school, and now I will be going to a well off east side school. Sorry, it is late at night and I have had a lot of sun and little sleep this week, so I tend to ramble...

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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