Photo Challenge

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fragileheart tagged me for a photo challenge. I am supposed to go to my folder with all my pictures. Find the 6th folder and then post the 6th picture.

So, I couldn't follow the rules (sorry Reg, I tried!). I went to my folder and the 6th folder under that and... no pictures. Only more folders. So then I thought I'd just go to the 6th folder there and post the 6th picture. I was foiled again. There were only 5 pictures in that folder.

So then I remembered some interesting pictures I took on almost this day last year so I thought I'd post a couple of those instead.

On February 14th last year I came home with my boyfriend after dinner and I found a heart in the snow on the top of my driveway. I asked The Boy if he put it there and he said he didn't. Turns out it was actually just two separate footprints that came together to look like a heart. But how cool is that that it was on February 14th, of all days.

True story.




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Awh that's so cute!!

p.s. Its ok, you didn't cheat on purpose you were foiled by your folders.

I am glad you had me do the challenge because i had totally forgotten about those pics. It made me smile to look at them again.

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

You can read more about the author behind thirty-something blog on the About Me page.





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This page contains a single entry by Erin published on February 12, 2009 10:36 PM.

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