In Her Shoes

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I bought a dress a while ago so that I would have something to wear for a wedding I am attending this coming weekend.  I wasn't all that thrilled with it but it was cheap and so I bought it as my "safety".  I figured I had plenty of time to come across another great dress.  Well, all of a sudden the wedding was imminent and I had no other dress, and no shoes to wear with the dress I bought.  So the other night I started looking online.  I found a couple of things at kohl's (the two smaller pics below plus a pair of shoes) and planned to go the next night to try them on and hopefully buy them.  I didn't really want to wear a black dress to a summer wedding but I still wanted to buy this classic and hopefully find something else for the wedding. 

472142_Crown_Jewel.jpg 442378.jpg

So all day at work yesterday I was anticipating going shopping and purchasing a pretty new shirt and a dress.  I should have known, but when I went to the store I wasn't able to find either of them. I may end up buying them online but I hate buying something without trying it on.

So I (really 'we', as my awesome boyfriend went with me) trotted over to macy's to find either a dress or a pair of shoes.  I didn't find a dress, but I did find some shoes.  I actually end up wearing them to work today to with a cute pair of gray dress capri pants and nice blouse.

IMG_3566.JPGCute, no?  


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That top is adorable! I hate the pressure of needing to shop for a specific event. I don't necessarily enjoy clothes-shopping anyway, and while I feel the same way about buying something I can't try on, I also hate the trying on part too. =P

Your 'what to wear to a wedding saga' reminds me of shopping for a dress to wear to the wedding of a close friend a couple of years ago.
I went shopping on Oxford St and Regent St which are London's main shopping streets, so in theory I should have been spoilt for choice. By mid afternoon I was tired, grumpy and unlike you hadn't even found a classic keeper as a standby.
Then my luck turned and I found it. I knew it was a good one as it made me look much better than my then mood allowed for.
Anyway I wore it to the wedding and attracted lots of compliments ( phew !) but also (the wedding party was only 40 in number) 2 other guests told me they had tried on the same dress but didn't buy, one because they didn't have in her size and the other because she wasn't sure of the colour on her.
So whilst it was my perfect dress it might have turned out to be less perfect if there had been 3 of us wearing it !
We joked that if that had been the case the bride would have had to pretend she had a 2nd set of bridesmaids !!

Enjoy the wedding and wearing your new shoes in the meantime !

Dawn, sounds like we have a lot of the same issues when it comes to shopping. I hate trying things on... I never like the way anything looks on me. But online never seems to fit.

Sally, i am glad you ended up with a beautiful dress and that no one else had it. What did it look like? Pics? Everything turned out fine with my new dress and shoes. I already have my dress and shoes picked out for the november wedding. I like that one better. Now what to where to the early october one?

UPDATE: tonight i ordered the shirt and the dress from kohls. Hope they fit, or at least i can send them back if they dont. They didnt have the purple one available in my size so i ended up going for dark brown. Definitely the first time ordering a dress online!

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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