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How would you describe your perfect home in ten words or less?

modern colonial with large yard and garden in the suburbs


This was pretty difficult for me to answer. 1.  It's hard to describe something like that in so few words and 2.  I'm not entirely sure I really know what I want.


I think I'd prefer a newer home to an older one (although they can certainly have a lot of character). 

I'd much rather live in the suburbs than in the city or in the country way out in the middle of nowhere.

I'd love to have a large yard with lots of nice landscaping.  My current yard has lots of trees which is nice and almost reminds me of a park, but I'd also like to have a nice sunny area where I could grow lots of nice vegetables and other flowers.

Sometimes I think I'd love to have a nice big pool.  I really enjoy swimming, but I wouldn't enjoy all the work that goes along with it.

I'd love to have a nice big kitchen with granite countertops and an island.

I love the sunroom I have in my house now, as well as the patio. 

I'm dying for a walk-in closet and master suite which is lacking in my current house.

I also dream of living on the water -- either an ocean or a lake.

And a professional interior designer would be great to decorate my perfect home.  I'm no good at that stuff.


What about you?  How would you describe your perfect home in ten words or less (or more if you like)?


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Ahh but interior design is all about learning! That is the BEST part about owning a home. Trial and Error.

You give yourself too little credit. I've seen bits and pieces of your home improvement and I think you've done a great job!

What a nice post/question to have stumbled upon while blog-hopping...

Light-filled, quiet and cosy with a small garden.

Thanks, Christina. :) Your decorating abilities are far beyond mine! I would still love to re-do the kitchen but it looks like the $$ is going towards a new roof instead. :(

Hi Anna :) So glad you stumbled across my blog and decided to comment. Your dream home sounds lovely.

I stopped over to your blog and wanted to say I love your design! Really, really nice. I also enjoyed your most recent post. I may have to write my own list of things I like about getting older...

I was really interested or motivated with the first question because I think the perfect home for me would be a place where I can live free and peaceful, because I remember when I lived in a conflictive neighborhood and it was terrible.

Ok I can describe my dreamed house in just one word, it would be "huge" because I need a huge house because I have a big family, that's perfect because I also like presume with my neighbors.

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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