Recently in Writing Category

Poem: I'm Sorry

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This is a poem that I wrote a long time ago -- December 2003.  I'm posting it now because I'm feeling, well, a little sorry...

I'm sorry I'm not what you want me to be
I'm sorry that you can't see me for me
I'm sorry for all those stupid things I said
I'm sorry I can't get you out of my head

I'm sorry for all the things I never did
I'm sorry I acted just like a little kid
I'm sorry that you broke my heart
I'm sorry that you let us fall apart

I'm sorry I didn't put up a fight
I'm sorry I couldn't do anything right
I'm sorry that you saw the worst of me
I'm sorry for all the things that made you flee

I'm sorry

Being Thirty: A Poem

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Being Thirty

I've said goodbye to yesterday,
Where youth and childhood lie.
It's hard to comprehend the truth --
That time has passed me by.

Those days are spent, part of my past.
I blinked and now they're gone.
But that was then and this is now --
It's time for a new song.

I stand on my two solid feet
With confidence and pride.
I'm dancing to my own heartbeat --
Embracing this new tide.

I've said goodbye to yesterday,
Where youth and childhood lie.
The lessons learned now put to use --
I'll hold my head up high.

December 27, 2008

A Haiku About Snow

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catch a flake as it
falls in silent reverie;
ice cold to the touch


What Makes a Good Blog?

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Since I started this blog I have tried to research different ways I can make it worthwhile, and a site that people will want to come back to. 

Currently, I am struggling with "How often should I post?" and "What topics should I write about?  Shouldn't I have more of a focus?"

Ben Barden over at addresses both of these issues here and here.  A worthwhile read, I believe, if you are a new blogger struggling with these same issues.

Right now this is essentially a "personal blog" so it covers pretty much anything and everything striking me at any given moment.  It seems to be getting a little out of control in terms of the various directions it could take.  I could make it and Entertainment/Celebrity focused blog... or maybe a food blog, or maybe a grammar blog.  Is it supposed to just be a place for people to get a little entertainment, allowing people to laugh both with and at me?  Is it supposed to be a place for random, useful tips and information?  My original intent was to have it personal, but focus on issues that are important to people, particularly women, as they make their way through their thirties.  I can't seem to come up with the best way to do that.

I joined NaBloPoMo, a challenge to post every day in the month of November, since it seemed like a fun little community.  I thought it would be good and helpful for me to quickly increase the number of posts I have.  I have tried, for the most part, to take time and post worthwhile entries.  I am not sure how well I accomplished that goal, though. 

So, suggestions anyone?  What sites do you check out on a regular basis?  What keeps you coming back?  Do you get frustrated when you check out a site every few days and find there's no new content or would you rather wait until the author has a better entry pieced together?  Do you like variety or a well-focused site?

Google Analytics

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I started using google analytics a couple of weeks ago.  It has a lot of cool features.  You can view all the usual stuff such as:

  • Number of visits
  • Absolute Unique Visitors
  • Page Views
  • Amount of time each visitor stays
  • Browsers visitors use
  • Bounce Rate
  • Which pages are hit
  • Traffic Sources (direct traffic, referring sites, search engines)
Some of the cooler items:

A couple of my favorite features are the Site Overlay and the Map Overlay.  The Site Overlay shows you your page with an overlay of how many times each link or image is clicked.  The map overlay shows you a map of the wold and highlights the different areas where your visitors are from.  You can drill down and even see which cities your visitors are in.  I love logging in and seeing a new area highlighted

You can also export any report to PDF, XML, CSV, or TSV (I have no idea what TSV is).

You can add filters to exclude certain data from being recorded.  For example, you can filter out your own IP address so your hits will not skew your data.

Configurable Dashboard so you can add all important information/reports you care about conveniently right on the front page. 

You can schedule GA to email you any of the reports or the dashboard.

Another goodie, which I haven't yet had the opportunity to try out, is internal search stats.  Apparently if you have a search box on your site you can see what was typed into the search box as well as what linked what clicked from the search results.  

If you are a blogger and not using it already, it's definitely worth checking out.

About This Blog

Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

You can read more about the author behind thirty-something blog on the About Me page.





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