Merry Christmas To Me

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Last night I went to the Verizon store.  I purchased the LG Dare at half price and upgraded my plan to unlimited data and 450 voice minutes.  The plan cost me $69.99.

We went to the store, checked out the phone in person, fell in love with phone and decided to purchase after about 5 minutes.  So I went up to the woman at the counter and said I'd like to purchase the phone.  Then she said I'd have to upgrade my plan.  I said sure, upgrade me to the unlimited data, 450 voice minutes for $69.99.  The rest of the conversation went as such:

Verizon Woman: Sure.  I can do that.  Oh, wait.  That plan is $79.99.

Me:  It is?  It was 69.99 the other day when I went through to upgrade my plan and phone online.

Verizon Woman
:  Nope.  I've never heard of that plan.  It's $79.99.  It's the same online.

:  I swear it was 69.99.

Verizon Woman
:  Nope.  See here in this brochure?  $79.99.

:  :(  *walks away from woman and closer to boyfriend*

: Well, let's go and investigate and then come back.

:  But I want my phone now!

Verizon Woman
:  You can use the computer over there if you'd like to check.  It's going to be the same as the brochure here though.

:  :)  *Runs to computer to log in to my verizon account*

: 'My Account' is Temporarily Unavailable

:  What?!  *Tries again*

A few minutes later after logging in...

Verizon Woman
:  So did you find anything?

Me:  Yup!  Come see!

Verizon Woman
:  Ohhh!  THAT plan.  Yes, that is brand new last week.  I forgot about it.  Sorry!

:  Uh huh.  

So I ended up leaving a happy camper with my expensive new phone in hand. 


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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

You can read more about the author behind thirty-something blog on the About Me page.





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This page contains a single entry by Erin published on December 2, 2008 9:32 PM.

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