Slumdog Millionaire

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Several weeks ago I heard about a movie called Slumdog Millionaire. At the time I thought to myself that it was a movie I'd like to see. Then, I sort of forgot about it. I actually really enjoy going to the theater to see a movie, but for one reason or another The Boy and I don't seem to get there that frequently. On occasion there will be a movie that one or the other of us really want to see, and then we'll go.

Just before the Oscars, Slumdog Millionaire was brought to the forefront of my mind once again. I looked it up and it got 94% on I immediately sent a text message to The Boy asking if we could go. He wasn't as excited to see it as I was, but said he'd go. So we finally go there this past weekend. I really enjoyed it. It was interesting, thought provoking, had an over-the-top love story, interesting soundtrack, was different than anything I had seen in a long time, and completely held my attention for the full two hours. I was incredibly impressed with the acting of the young kids who are actually growing up in the slums. It was a bit eye-opening to see those conditions. It's good to put things into perspective like that sometimes. It makes you realize how much you take for granted on a daily basis.

On the way to work yesterday morning I heard the d.j. talk about two of the really young actors. As you can imagine, now that the children have had a taste of the U.S. and Hollywood they are having a difficult time adjusting back to their pre-movie lives. The d.j. mentioned that the young girl was still wearing the dress she wore at the Oscars. The kids wanted to continue sleeping in proper beds rather than on the floor. They no longer felt like playing with their friends. It was a bit heartbreaking. I really hope those children are properly compensated for their work and not taken advantage of.

If you didn't catch it, the movie won 8 awards last Sunday. They include:

  • Best Director
  • Best Picture
  • Best Adapted Screenplay
  • Cinematography
  • Sound Mixing
  • Film Editing
  • Best Original Score
  • Best Song

You can purchase the movie and/or soundtrack from amazon via the links below, if you're interested.

Gary was kind enough to allow me to contribute to his blog so if you'd like to read my thoughts on choosing a career, head over there now.


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Good review.. I hate reviews that give away too much. Im watching this today with the wife... ;)

Thank you, trench. I struggled a bit when writing my post because I had to hold myself back from giving too much away. I hope you and your wife enjoyed the movie and I hope you will stop back here to let me know what you thought. I noticed you have a movie site so I will keep an eye out to see if you post a review.

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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