Decluttering the basement

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Right now I am home visiting my parents at the house I grew up in.  They may be moving soon, from a house they have lived in for about 25 years.  My mom is a definitely pack-rat, and there is an ungodly amount of "stuff" down in the basement.  Last week I offered to come home and help them since it is really a daunting task.  I thought it would be nice for them to have an extra pair of hands, and extra motivation if the main purpose of my trip was to start clearing it out.  My parents have been extremely helpful in getting my house set up over this past year and I wanted to do something nice for them in return.  They had actually started this job a few weeks ago but hadn't touched it since so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to offer my assistance.

We spent a few hours down in the basement yesterday and made a large pile for recycling, a large pile for donations, and filled 5 very large garbage bags with old junk that are going out to the curb on trash night.  It was weird going through a bunch of stuff my parents have from their parents, and a bunch of stuff I had when I was little.  There were games, and fisher price toys, and several bags filled with stuffed animals, folders and notebooks from college.  There were things my parents didn't even remember they had because they were buried so deep.  If anyone is interested in antiques, I can probably hook you up.  Also, if anyone wants some of those old school really gaudy, large, multi-colored christmas lights that you put outside, we have some of those too!  :)

I inherited the pack-rat gene from my mom but still managed to get rid of a lot of unneeded things.  Some nice things with sentimental value will be kept, as well as a few small things from my childhood that could be passed on when/if my sisters and/or I ever have kids.  A little part of me is still scared that I will regret getting rid of some of the things. 

We are about to head back down to the basement now to do some more work, then I need to do the same in my house once I get back. 

It takes a lot of work to go through and declutter, but it is so refreshing once it's done.


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I wish my parents would declutter. Both my parents are pack-rats but for completely different reasons. My Mum doesn't like to throw anything away because she might need it some day or because she might be able to re-gift it. My Dad is very handy and resourceful so he doesn't like to throw things away because it 'can always be used for something else'.

While I usually agree with them, I will usually always prefer to throw something out or give it away if I know I'm not going to get to use it in the near future.

I think I am similar to your mom. I don't want to throw things away because I think I may be able to use them later. I also have a hard time getting rid of things for sentimental reasons.

One thing I did learn this weekend: Don't wait 25-30 years to declutter. Do it frequently so it doesn't become unmanageable!

Isn't that just the best feeling? To have things clean an organized? Unfortunately, I don't get to experience that feeling too often because I am MARRIED to a pack rat. No joke - I have to throw stuff out when he's not home or else he actually will pull stuff out of the garbage and ask if we really need to throw it away. I have driven to my FATHER'S house to throw things away, just so DH wouldn't see it. Be glad your parents want to try to clear out their stuff! And you are a good daughter to help them. :-D

Haha. I am sorry, Carole, but that is hilarious. You go through great feats to get rid of the clutter! At least you have found a way to get it done :)

I am now itching to declutter my own house. Perhaps this weekend.

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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