I don't like strawberries

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I don't really like strawberries (I know, I know), yet the picture above is from my container garden.  I do like strawberry flavor (in yogurt, candies, pies, etc), I guess it's just something about the texture of the skin and the little seeds that I just can't get past.

When I was buying plants and flowers in early spring, on a whim I decided I had to have a strawberry plant in my garden.  I had pictures in my head of make rhubarb pies and crisps with homegrown rhubarb AND homegrown strawberries.   I'm not sure what I was thinking because one plant would probably not get me enough strawberries for much of anything.  I just had to have it though and wanted to see how it worked out.  Right after I bought the plant, and before I had a chance to get it in the ground, someone told me not to plant strawberries.  They grow like crazy with their underground vines and take over the entire garden.  So I decided to just put my one little plant into a container and stick it on the side of the house.  Most of the spring and all summer up until a couple of weeks ago not much was happening.  The plant itself looked good, but there was nothing in the way of fruit.  Pretty much all of the rhubarb has passed, which of course means it is now time for the strawberries to come. 

I guess it's a good thing my boyfriend likes strawberries  :)


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I have the same problem with texture of some things, particularly bananas. Too mushy! Even if your boyfriend didn't like them, you'd have not trouble finding takers!

Kathy, i hate bananas too! Definitely a texture thing. I suppose i wouldnt have trouble finding someone to eat the strawberries but i would feel awkward offering someone only one or two at a time :)

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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