A Beautiful Day

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Today was a beautiful day here in Upstate NY.  In fact, it was a beautiful weekend.  And I took full advantage of it by spending many hours outdoors in my yard doing various gardening and landscaping activities.  It really was a nice two days, minus the ridiculous amount of bug bites I got. 

I love the feeling of spring where everything comes alive again.  I love being out in the fresh air where the temperature is just right -- not too hot, not too cold. Generally this greatly improves my mood.  It tends to shift with the weather.  I am happier and more energetic during this time of year.

I hope that you had a beautiful weekend as well.

Apple tree that lies on the border between my yard and my neighbors


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Beautiful tree. Does it get many apples in the summer?

Thanks, Laura. Yeah, it does get a lot of apples during the summer. Unfortunately my neighbor has informed me that they taste awful so I've yet to eat one. I won't be so in love with the tree once the fruit falls to the ground and the animals tear it up and leave parts all over the yard, but for now I love looking at it!

Despite having hay fever from all the blooming plants, Spring is my favorite time of year, so yeah, I'm celebrating along with you. I am not a huge fan of the extremes in weather that summer and winter bring (especially with regards to temperatures!). Alas, my two apple trees fell prey to drought and are no more. I still have one lone pear tree that has survived although it doesn't bear much fruit since it's shadowed by the encroaching hardwood trees. I lost several dogwoods this past winter with the late snowstorm we got. You're apple tree is lovely and probably the apples would be great in pie or cobbler if they're too tart to eat raw.

Ohhhh... everything is so GREEN. It's all dead & dried up & brown here now. =(

That's a nice tree. The trees are blooming in northern Japan as well. Unlike Japan's cherry trees though, yours gives you something.

Sorry to hear about the hay fever, Margaret. I was luckily spared from the hay fever and allergies that make so many people miserable this time of year. I am so with you about not enjoying the temperature extremes. I am very sensitive to the cold and feel like I'm going to melt in the hot summer. I do have a dogwood in the yard as well and am excited for it to bloom.

Thanks for the pie idea. I had not thought of that before but I bet you're right!

Yes, everything is very green now. It looks horrible from Nov/Dec through March/April, but is beautiful now!

Thanks, sixmats. Usually the fruit just leaves a mess in the yard but perhaps I can make a pie or something to turn them into something edible (my neighbor warned they taste awful).

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Stories, advice, and random thoughts from a thirty-something female.

Many people in their thirties are dealing with common issues and concerns. Some of these include buying a home, establishing a career, starting a family, and dealing with aging parents. I will blog about all these things as well as other every day stuff as I make my way through this third decade of life.

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